I popped into Food Lovers market on my way home yesterday. I couldn’t resist these baba brinjals – I tried, I walked past, I failed… I went all crazy & did an illegal round about turn in the aisle. Whatever man, a Thursday was meant for living on the edge. I picked & packet stuffed. I also needed a mammoth amount of lemons so headed down the ‘aromatic aisle’ – I saw these bad boys… Haba Baba – yes. Nobody else in the house would be eating them Habaneros, so naturally they’re all mine – pigging out on Habs. Yes.
The weekend totally means there’ll be some sort of Baba Brinjal & Hab-to-the-Bub Habanero recipe action happening. Chilli biting should be me superhero power… It should.
Happy Friday Food Joll’ing Errrybody.
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