Fancy a home-baked chocolate chip cookie with your next cup of tea or coffee? Don’t have a bakery close by? That’s OK. Do like I do & keep a packet (or two) of bake mixes in the kitchen pantry. I happened to have a packet of Sasko’s Cookie Mix available, along with a few chocolate chips.
I won’t even bother to type this out into a recipe. See below…
Bowl + Sasko Cookie Mix + 140g softened butter or margarine + 1 large egg + a handful (or two) of chocolate chips. Mix well to form a dough.
Line a baking tray with baking paper. Place large balls of dough onto the tray & squash. Bake at 180C for 10-12 minutes.
Hello lovely smell of baking. Hello lovely chewy cookie. Hello tea, coffee or glass of cold milk.
Happy EASY Cookie Baking x