Baby, it’s cold outside! True, especially with the news of magical rain that’s about to hit Cape Town for the next couple of days. As some of you may or may not know, I’m currently baking a bun – our second, to be precise *why does pregnancy feel like it goes on for an eternity?!* And WHY are the choccie cravings so high?! Well, pregnant or not, I have some good news for you, this post is dedicated to the new Winter Menu treats from the beloved Crumbs & Cream. Yup, think delicious, warming, hot chocolate, Nutella-Filled Doughnuts & warm beverages in a cone, kind of thoughts…
So what’s new? Well, the below treats, some new, some returning favorites are just waiting to be sampled from the Crumbs & Cream Winter Menu. Be still my pregnant, chocolate-wanting heart…
- Nutella-Filled Doughnuts (hello): Nutella meet doughnut. Doughnut meet Nutella. Oh & ice-cream, you’re also invited to the party. Crumbs & Cream says you can have your Nutella-Stuffed Doughnut with a scoop of ice-cream, right in the centre. NUTELLA-FILLED ICE-CREAM DOUGHNUT SANDWICHES! Don’t ever say I don’t tell you great things.
- Cookie Cups: Yup, it’s what you’re thinking, a cup made out of cookie dough, stacked with mini ice-cream scoops.
- Hot Chocolate In A Cone: It’s like coffee in a cone but just way better. It’s chocolate. In a cone. That you drink. Make your Instagram feed happy & order one (two).
There’s more but I don’t like giving everything away all at once. You can check out the Crumbs & Cream Instagram feed here for some chilly (as in the cold weather) chocolate delights. *Images Supplied*
Happy Crumbs & Cream’ing x